W.P. – B.P. 10 bar – 30 bar 150 psi – 450 psi
I.D. 51 mm – 100 mm (2 – 4”)
TEMPERATURE -40°C +120°C (-40°F +248°F )
- very flexible hose, no kinking, perfect for outdoor use
- suitable to convey non fatty foods, in particular wines and alcohols at 96°
- the external plastic helix wire on the cover reduces friction on abrasive and rough surfaces
- very flexible hose, no kinking, perfect for outdoor use
- suitable for the delivery of non fatty foods, in particular wines and alcohols at 96°
- the external plastic helix wire on the cover reduces friction on abrasive and rough surfaces
- suitable for medium vacuum and crush-resistant
- tubo molto flessibile, non si attorciglia, resiste al kink, ideale per impieghi all’esterno
- idoneo a veicolare prodotti alimentari non grassi, in particolare vini e alcool a 96°
- la spirale esterna in materiale termoplastico riduce l’attrito e migliora la scivolosità a contatto con superfici abrasive e accidentate